How to Check IMEI Number in Xiaomi Phones? (Redmi, MI)

  • You can check Xiaomi Phones’ IMEI number from ‘Settings > About phone > All specs > Status’.
  • Alternately, you can check IMEI number by pressing ’*#06#’ in dial pad.

Let’s check out the answer in more detail.

There are two methods to check IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) number in Xiaomi Redmi or MI phones.

Check IMEI from phone Settings

To check Xiaomi Phones’ IMEI number from settings, open ‘Settings’ and go to ‘About phone’.

Next, tap on ‘All specs’ and scroll down to bottom. Here, tap on ‘Status’. In ‘Status’ screen, you can check the IMEI number of your both sim slots.

Check IMEI from phone Dial pad

To check Xiaomi Phones’ IMEI number using dial pad, open your phone’s dial pad and press “*#06#” code.

Once you tap this code, the phone will display both sim slots IMEI and phone’s MEID number.

That’ it.