Percentage Calculator

Percentage calculator What is % of
How to use?
  • Input-1: Percentage value.
    You can calculate discounts, taxes, tips, interest rates, or any other percentage-based values.
    Example: To calculate 10% of $100, input 10 for percentage here.
  • Input-2: Total amount.
    This could be the original price, total quantity, total weight, total value, or any numeric value you want to calculate a percentage for.
    Example: To calculate 10% of $100, input 100 for amount here.
Find percentage is what percentage of
How to use?
  • Input-1: Smaller value.
    You can calculate percentages, ratios, proportions, or any other comparison between two numbers.
  • Input-2: Larger value.
    You can find out what percentage one number represents of another, compare values, or analyze proportions.
Percentage increase decrease

What is the percentage increase/decrease

from to
How to use?
  • Input-1: Old value.
    This could be the starting value of rent, weight, stock price, quantity, or any initial measurement.
    Example: To calculate weight loss input start weight here.
  • Input-2: New value.
    This represents the ending rent, weight, stock price, quantity, or any final measurement.
    Example: To calculate weight loss input current weight here.

The Percentage Calculator tool to calculate percentages, calculating discounts, calculating tips, or figure out how much something has increased or decreased in percent.

How To Calculate Percentages?

Here’s a straightforward guide on how to calculate percentages with formulas and examples:

1. Understanding the Basics:

  • What is a Percentage?: A percentage is a proportion or a fraction of 100. It represents a part of a whole expressed in terms of one hundred.
  • Percentage Formula: The basic formula to calculate a percentage is: Percentage = ( Part / Whole ) × 100%

2. Steps to Calculate Percentages:

  • Identify the Whole: Determine the total or the whole amount. This represents 100%.
  • Determine the Part: Find the portion or the part of the whole that you want to express as a percentage.
  • Apply the Formula: Use the formula above to calculate the percentage by dividing the part by the whole and multiplying by 100%.

3. Examples:

Example 1: Calculating a Percentage of a Whole:

  • Problem: What is 20% of 150?
  • Solution:
    • Step 1: Identify the whole: Whole = 150
    • Step 2: Determine the part: 20% of 150
    • Step 3: Apply the formula:
      Percentage = ( 20 / 150 ) × 100% = ( 20 / 150 ) × 100 = 13.33%
    • Answer: 20% of 150 is 30.

Example 2: Finding the Percentage Change:

  • Problem: If a stock’s value increased from $50 to $60, what is the percentage increase?
  • Solution:
    • Step 1: Identify the initial value (old value) and the final value (new value):
      Old value = 50, New value = 60
    • Step 2: Determine the change: Change = New value − Old value = 60 −  50 = 10
    • Step 3: Apply the formula:
      Percentage change = ( Change / Old value ) × 100% = ( 10 / 50 ) × 100 = 20%
    • Answer: The percentage increase is 20%.

4. Additional Tips:

  • Percentage Increase/Decrease: When finding the percentage increase, the formula is ( New Value − Old Value ) / Old Value × 100. For a percentage decrease, it’s ( Old Value − New Value ) / Old Value × 100.
  • Converting a Percentage to a Decimal: Divide the percentage by 100 to convert it to a decimal. For example, 20% is 0.20 in decimal form.

Calculating percentages enables data interpretation and decision-making; use this guide for efficient percentage calculations.