Google Play Store App Full Description Formatting

Full description for Google Play Store app is used to describe your app features. This description metadata is also part of ASO(App Store Optimization) to get a good position in Play Store search results.

In this post, you will get information about Google Play Store app full description formatting options.

Google Play Store: Supported app description formatting options

Android app full description metadata supports basic HTML tags, HTML characters, UTF-8 characters and emoji for formatting.

Following is list of android app description supported formatting options on Play Store.

Heading 1: <h1>Main Heading</h1>

Heading 2: <h2>Sub Heading</h2>

Bold: <b>Bold text</b>

Italic: <i>Italic text</i>

Underline: <u>Underline text</u>

Color: <font color="green">Green color text</font> (Not supported in web page).

Link: (Link display plain text in web page).

HTML character: &raquo; (HTML character rendering depends on the font).

UTF-8 character: Unicode character list on Wikipedia.

Emoji: Copy supported emoji from online sources and paste in description.

Things to know about Google Play Store app description formatting

Following more app description formation related things, which helps to create Play Store supported app description.

Add anchor tag for link in description to work in both Play Store app and web page, e.g., <a href=""></a>

Check out Play console metadata support page common violations for Play Store app metadata.

Check out the Play console help page “Product details” section.

That’s it,

Hope, you find the given information helpful.