What Are The Among Us Hotkeys? (Keyboard Shortcut Keys)

If you want to play the Among Us game on your PC, then the following are a list of hotkeys(shortcut keys) for keyboard and mouse.

Among Us hotkeys for PC mouse keyboard:

Arrows or WASD keys – Move character

Four arrow keys – up (W), left (A), down (S) and right (D) are four keys which used to move Among Us characters.

E or Space – Trigger USE option action

Among Us game have the USE option to use available game options. For example, ladder, emergency button etc.,

You can trigger the “USE” option event by pressing the E or Space key in your keyboard.

Q – Kill

Q character key used to kill other players in the Among Us game. This key is useful when you are Imposter in a game.

R – Report dead body

R character key used to report dead body. When a dead body is found and REPORT option active, you can report dead body by pressing the R character key.

Alt+Enter – Toggle full and normal screen

Alt+Enter key toggle your Among Us game screen between fullscreen and normal screen, while you are playing on PC.

Mouse – Menu interactions and Minigame

You can use the mouse for menu interactions and for Minigame.

That’s it, Hope you find this Among Us hotkeys list helpful.

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